GoPro 9 versus Samsung Galaxy S10+ Deathmatch Round 1

3 years ago

A side by side comparison video of the GoPro Hero 9 Versus the Samsung Galaxy S10+. And yes I know that the Galaxy does have a video stabilization feature that is not on in this video.. But that is at fault of the phone's software. The last time I recorded with the phone it was enabled. I never disabled it. The software did. So this is DEFAULT settings for both devices. By default the setting on the S10 is off. By default the GoPro's video stabilization is always on. I actually did think the phones stabilization was on while filming it wasn't until I reviewed the footage that I realized that for some reason the phone turned the feature off. But I am just presenting the footage you can decide which footage you think is better. Its not about the stabilization by itself. It is the frame width, the color depth and range, and a million other things.

This video also includes an obvious preview of Out There!'s new video coming soon. It will be a week or so more than likely but it is a sneak peek!


-Out There

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