Jan Psaki “prevent … exercise [of] their fundamental rights.” Covid Slavery, Law & History

3 years ago

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Jan Psaki “We’re looking … to prevent people from being able to exercise their fundamental rights.”

- They know we have God-given inalienable rights.
- They know we can only be deprived of our rights if we a) fail to invoke, assert, and defend them and b) if we willingly consent or acquiesce to their proposed tyranny.
- This system of self-imposed slavery is similar to the ancient aryan and Meneshaw system used by various Cults throughout history, most notably, the Hindu/Indian Brahman sect, which uses the 3 classes of spirit status as a justification to enslave lower spirits incarnating as humans.
- More recently, the Protestant Reformation, the developments of The Church of England, via King James et al, and the belief in Pre-Destination and the Tenants of Calvinism repackaged ancient forms of what I refer to as the Fallacy of Justified Slavery.
- All these systems are based on one core logical assertion, that all of God’s children have rights, but only the faithful and the righteous can retain their rights, while all those who commit sin or misuse their rights, by their own deeds, give up their rights. And therefore, if a righteous person is harmed by a sinner, the righteous man can act as an agent of God’s wrath, depriving them of life, liberty, and ultimately, the right to freedom from slavery.
What is Calvinism? - Understanding the History and Denominational Doctrine
- COVID-19 Slavery. COVID slavery is a Neo-secular form of Justified Slavery. Here, a citizen’s freedom in a COVID world depends on their compliance with imposed COVID policies, which, on the surface, are designed to protect the many by forcing the few to comply. Anyone who does not comply is considered a threat to the health and safety of the body politic (the people and the state) and therefore, such a dissenting citizen can justifiably have their rights taken from them, and even be forced to do things, like wear masks, quarantine, and the be deprived of bodily autonomy through forced vaccination.
- The USA, contrary to popular belief, did not abolish slavery. Abolish means, to formally put an end to (a system, practice or institution). Instead, the 13th amendment abolished only one form of slavery, while it created a constitutionally justified basis of legal slavery. Here, anyone who is found guilty of a crime can be legally enslaved—although we don’t refer to it as legal slavery.
- Paski and the CCP and Biden-era globalists she represents and works for, have likely sold their ilk and minions on the Neo-variant of the Justified Slavery. And the media has sold the masses on this form of COVID-secular-slavery as well.
- But if we think critical, work together, and realize our commonalities, we can end the divide and conquer, of which, slavery is a symptom.

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