What is a Tree Ordinance? URGENT SAVE DECATUR TREES!

3 years ago

What is a Tree Ordinance?
Decatur Ordinance up for a vote Tues 1/18

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Georgia Forestry Website:

Glossary: https://gatrees.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/TreeOrdinanceGlossary.pdf

Full Livestream of Tuesday 11th: https://decaturga.new.swagit.com/videos/152785

Save Decatur's Trees
South River Watershed Alliance: https://www.facebook.com/southriverwatershedalliance

Tree Ordinance History:

Decaturish Article about Tuesday:

Decaturish Article about Legacy Park:

Decaturish Article about Dec 6th postponing vote:

Lewis Ginter Botanical Garden Children climbing trees pic credit:

From Erin Murphy: Save Decatur's Trees

We need you to show up Tuesday, January 18th, 7:30pm Meeting info from the City’s Website:

This meeting will be held in-person. Members of the public wishing to participate during either the “Public Comment” or “Requests and Petitions”

1. Attend in-person by coming to Decatur City Hall, 509 N. McDonough St. A temperature check and wearing of a face covering are required for entry into the building.

2. Register in advance at https://zoom.us/j/93894735028. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. You may also participate by phone by calling (929) 205-6099 and entering the meeting ID (The 11-digit number shown in the Zoom registration link.)

If yuo can't attend the meeting in person email your comments to City Manager Andrea Arnold at andrea.arnold@decaturga.com by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 18th.

Members of the public may also view the live broadcast: https://www.decaturga.com/citycommission/page/streaming-video

Please show up to Tuesday’s meeting wearing GREEN.

Even if you only say “I support a stronger tree ordinance” your presence will show them that this is an important issue to residents. As residents do in DeKalb County meetings, we will stand in support while another tree advocate is speaking. This is an effective way of showing support that gets city officials’ attention.

The Tree Ordinance is on the agenda which means we can make public comments early on in the meeting and not wait until “Requests and Petitions”.

Talking points:

1. Plans for trees first (that is now included in the pre-application conference)
2. Limited grading to the buildable area (that is now included and will help vary the sizes of houses built thus increasing affordable options)
3. Save the best trees (there is now a grading system that ranks trees from poor to good and also a landmark tree designation)
4. Effective Enforcement (they are hiring a 2nd arborist)

Express your gratitude for these changes! You can also affirm other elements of the tree ordinance, ie. the higher canopy goal and how the city is putting its money where its mouth is and vice versa

Email your commissioner:

There have been some concerns voiced about residents’ rights and safety, & we want to dispel the myths that keep arising:

· Removal of Diseased, dead or dying and hazardous trees is permitted through this tree ordinance (of course) and only requires an information permit from the arborist. If a tree is deemed a danger to property or people, it can be taken down.

· Homeowners still have the ability to remove trees in fair or better condition with this ordinance; the only difference under the new ordinance is they have to comply with the canopy requirement. ie replant in order to replace the canopy lost from the removed tree(s).
... (I will put more in the comments of this video)

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