Dis-Ease by Kayla Henry

2 years ago

With advancing medicine and technologies we have been granted access to a plethora of treatments and have filled dictionaries with many potential diagnoses. While these tools can be extremely valuable, they can also be harmful when overused. The more we look outward to fix our problems, the less in touch with our bodies and minds we become. We are at a point where both patients and doctors feel the need to quell even the smallest of symptoms with drugs and chemicals. We neglect our ability to overcome dis-ease, because we rely on a system outside of our own. What will happen when this care becomes even more difficult to access? Where will we go? Now is as good of a time as any to begin investing in yourself, and taking control of your own health.

by Kayla Henry

Biohacking natural course
as if we are above it
so much so that we lose
ourselves in the process.
Stunting our ability
to evolve naturally
we devolve spiritually
removing ourselves
from understanding the beauty
of life and death.

So we live in fear of it
trying to change it
and even sometimes
ostracizing those
who just let it be.
Those who trust the biology
that's gotten us so far.

Is it healthy to have no faith
in your own body?
If you're convinced you can't
take care of yourself
where do you go?
To the abusers who know
you're impaired
by lack of direction.
Predators need victims.
are your body adapting
and wisdom
is letting it happen.

Will you desperately
run to a pharmacy
to ease temporarily
without learning
to overcome instinctively?

If we numb these battles
we reject the opportunity
to realize our strength
is not outwardly granted
It's innate.
We cause our victimhood
when we never create
and only consume.

Embrace a helpless mentality
Or the solutions built in you?

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