Trump Talks American Greatness!

3 years ago

He’s back! Donald Trump’s weekend rally in Florence, Arizona, is being hailed as a soft launch of his twenty-twenty four presidential comeback! With today’s Americans for Limited Government Minute, I’m Catherine Mortensen. His message is SPOT ON.

President Trump, “Notice how we don’t talk about greatness anymore? We talk about the environment, we talk about COVID, the China virus. We talk about race, we talk about all these things. We never talk about greatness anymore. While other countries are talking about their military and their power and there this and there that, we don’t talk about greatness anymore as a country. You turn on the news and watch these fakers. They are fakers. You turn on the fake news at night and you watch what they talk about. It’s just not possible. A country has to be thinking to the future and it has to be thinking about greatness and we don’t even think about it anymore.”
You and I haven’t think about – and it’s the basis of how we will make America Great Again.

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