Tom Mullen Talks Freedom Episode 26 On the Front Lines of Freedom with Robby Dinero

3 years ago

When former New York Governor Andrew Cuomo tried to close his business in 2020, Robby Dinero refused to close. He went to court against the Covid lockdowns and won. Now he’s taking on his local school board over its Covid mandates. Robby was wrongfully arrested for trespassing when he tried to attend a school board meeting earlier this month. He joins Tom to talk about his court appearance and what he has planned next.
Guest bio:
Robby Dinero has trained athletes of all ages for nearly 20 years. Alpine trekking, nordic skiing, rock climbing, amateur boxing, Olympic weightlifting, rugby, full marathons, sprint triathlons, fitness competitions; he has an incredibly wide breadth of experience in sports, training, and coaching. An infantry officer in the United States Marine Corps for nearly 14 years, Coach Robby has trained our nations finest to win on the battlefield and win in life. He knows how to motivate and get the most from those he leads and trains. A veteran of 3 combat tours, being HARD TO KILL isn’t a catchy slogan – it’s his way of life.
Guest Links:
The Constitutional Coalition of NYS
Additional Reading:
Every year will be 2020 if Americans don’t resist Covid-19 measures now – Tom Mullen
What proof is there that Covid-19 lockdowns prevent more cases than they cause? – Tom Mullen
The absurd proposition of Covid-19 lockdowns – Tom Mullen
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Download a free copy of Tom's new e-book, It’s the Fed, Stupid, at
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It’s priced at a pre-hyperinflation level so grab a few copies for friends if you can.
It makes a great introduction to the government’s most economically damaging institution for liberals, conservatives, libertarians, socialists, and independents alike.
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