The David Knight Show 17Jan22 - Unabridged

3 years ago

Segment 1 begins approximately 00:02:00
* Snowballing supply chain disruptions and firings. From Walgreens & CVS to hospitals, lacking personnel to even jab people
* Scott Atlas calls out the "unprecedented in modern history" medical ignorance about natural immunity
* Scott Gottlieb, Trump FDA and now Pfizer board, bemoans Biden’s mandates BECAUSE it’s waking people up about vaccines
* DeSantis says they will not enforce CMS mandate rubber stamped by Supreme Court, but what CAN they do?
* DeSantis finally says the vaccines are NOT effective. When will he say they are NOT safe?

Segment 2 begins approximately 00:21:33
Illegals: NoVaccinePassport, No Passport But FREE Healthcare. 40% of illegals REFUSE jabs. Unvaxed Americans are being denied jobs, healthcare & charged MORE for insurance. But people from every country enticed to come get FREE healthcare, no jab required, no job required.

Segment 3 begins approximately 00:43:43
* Massive protests in Amsterdam against Covid tyranny
* Jan 23 DC protest: Good? Bad?
* Trump goes after DeSantis, DeSantis responds that the worst thing he did was to listen to Trump on lockdown

Segment 4 begins approximately 00:59:31
* UK Labor Party smells blood in the water on BoJo's lockdown hypocrisy and more "conservatives" turn on BoJo. BoJo is trying get ahead of the anti-lockdown wave
* MAGA Media’s Jan6 Circular Firing Squad Turns on Supporters. Do we need Darren Beattie, Tucker Carlson, Alex Jones demanding that if protestors aren’t arrested, it proves they’re feds? Instead of attacking the absurdity of the "insurrection" narrative, some have decided it’s in their interest to accuse, not merely allege, individuals are fed agent provocateurs. They should watch Eastwood’s "Richard Jewel" since they’re following that script.

Segment 5 begins approximately 01:23:28
* The LEFT's conspiracy theory about an insurrection is easily debunked without resorting to "false flag" provocateur narrative.
* It IS war, the government WANTS a Civil War and so does the media. But our weapons are mighty — this is asymmetric SPIRITUAL war.

Segment 6 begins approximately 01:47:40
* Islamic terrorist in Dallas — identified as a "British man" — making demands for "Lady Al Qaeda"
* Jonathan Turley looks at the absurdity & hype of the OathKeeper indictments.
* If you want to come after Trump for treason, look at his debasement of the currency by TRILLIONS in counterfeit spending. Lock them ALL up for that

Segment 7 begins approximately 02:07:54
* Dan Crenshaw's snarky claim of a "Sec 230 solution" to censorship wouldn't do anything. Constitution already HAS the answer from the Founders

Segment 8 begins approximately 02:19:47
* Hilarious crank letter from woman demanding backyard chickens NOT be allowed. Politics is local — and unfortunately SHE won.
* Chinese government has bought and continues to buy our agricultural land and major food processing plants.
* Gates & Monsanto threaten food supply in a yet another way
* Fauci's golden parachute, and his gold mine, remains redacted after FOIA

Segment 9 begins approximately 02:38:59
* FL judicial system lets Mayo Clinic kill a man by refusing to do anything other than a ventilator WHICH THEY ADMIT HAS A 95% CHANCE OF KILLING HIM.
* El Salvador: pro-life, pro-bitcoin and distributing Ivermectin. Their "case" rate is 100 TIMES LESS than the much more heavily jabbed USA
* Doc Carved Initials Into Transplant Organs. His ego caused at least one organ to fail
* Town Requires Preemptive Appendectomy for ALL Residents including children. You can never be too safe

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