Drugs Vs Gun Deaths - Hillary Still Delusional

2 years ago

Flight cancellations drag on as airlines short-staffed

Delta, United and JetBlue on Friday had all said the omicron variant was causing staffing problems

Airlines continued to cancel hundreds of flights Saturday as staffing issues tied to COVID-19 disrupted holiday celebrations during one of the busiest travel times of the year.


Here Are The Top 10 Questions To Ask A Liberal

Brian Anderson over at Downtrend has ten questions that liberals can’t answer, and they are spot-on. Ask your liberal friends a few of these questions, grab the popcorn, and enjoy!

10. How many people should we let into this country?


The 5 Biggest Things Liberals Get Wrong About Themselves

If self-delusion were magic, average liberals would be David Blaine, David Copperfield and Houdini all rolled up into one. Most of what they say has no relation to what they’re doing, the policies they push rarely work and logic might as well be a strange, alien language to them. Since that’s the case, explaining all the things liberals get wrong about themselves could easily be the topic of my second book (Here’s a link to my first one), but since we only have so much space to work with in a column, here are the top five.


Drug overdoses now kill more Americans than guns

More than 50,000 Americans died from drug overdoses last year — the most ever.

The disastrous tally has been pushed to new heights by soaring abuse of heroin and prescription painkillers, a class of drugs known as opioids.

Heroin deaths rose 23 percent in one year, to 12,989, slightly higher than the number of gun homicides, according to government data released Thursday.


Drugs Kill More People than Guns

Over 64,000 people died of drug overdose in America last year.

For the first time in recorded history, more people now die of drug overdose than gun violence.

The dramatic rise of overdose death associated with tainted heroin, especially heroin laced with carfentanil, led the rise. But it wasn't only heroin that was dramatically rising last year; there were more deaths attributed to cocaine, opioids (prescription pain killers), and even cannabinoids.


Hillary Clinton gave 'masterclass in delusion' with emotional reading of 2016 'victory speech': Devine

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton became emotional while reading what she said was her would-be victory speech if then-Manhattan mogul Donald Trump hadn't defeated her in the 2016 presidential election.

On "Hannity" Wednesday, New York Post writer Miranda Devine called the address, given as part of a MasterClass educational series, a "masterclass in self-pity and delusion," while Fox News legal analyst Gregg Jarrett claimed she is exhibiting "narcissistic personality disorder."


Why leaving Canada makes sense for Alberta, and U.S. would likely welcome a new state

U.S. forecaster Peter Zeihan, a former geopolitical analyst with the security firm Stratfor, has spent his career trying to predict the future of tumultuous states — recently, he’s turned his gaze to North America. Now, his latest book, The Accidental Superpower , takes a bleak look at the direction of the world in general. Among his speculations, the future of Alberta in Canada. He spoke to the Post ‘s Jen Gerson.


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