NHS Radiographer speaks out against mandates: Where there is a risk, there must be choice

3 years ago

The vaccine fanatics keep pushing the jab, thereby only paying attention on its effectiveness on a single disease. Even a tiny effectiveness justifies taking the jab in their mind, because something is better than nothing. However their blind spot is the assumption that the jab is safe, e.g. that is has a negligible risk of adverse event and of vaccine enhanced disease.

All vaccines are safe in their mind and since the COVID 'vaccine' is also a vaccine, it must be safe. Furthermore, the authorities are trustworthy and have performed all required tests thoroughly without finding any issues. This fallacy and gullibility are turning out to be blunders of epic proportion.

Not all vaccines are safe and certainly not these 'vaccines' based on a completely new genetic technology. The authorities had the possibility to force the pharmaceutical companies to do thorough research before and during roll-out, but neglected to do both. The authorities are completely captured by pharmaceutical interests and are stuck in their ideology of mass vaccination as the cure-all.

Even if the vaccine ideologues realize the risks are not negligible, they still favor mass vaccination because the disease is worse. This is also a huge blunder, because there is a huge risk differential. Young, healthy, lean people have almost no risk. Old, sick, obese men have high risk. Furthermore, there are fantastic alternatives for risk mitigation, such as early treatment. Also, the dubious and short term efficacy means that the inoculated have the risk of the unending jabs AND the risk of the disease.

The vaccine cult keep thinking that 'unvaccinated' means 'unprotected'. Nothing could be further from the truth, especially for people who have already recovered and are immune competent.

A minimal condition for mandating a therapy to protect others is that the therapy must effectively reduce the risk of others, e.g. by reducing transmission. These jabs can't do that, so that should be the end of the story. Also, (immune competent) others can easily protect themselves with the jab they believe to be effective in spite of all the evidence to the contrary.

There is no medium and long term safety data for these failed experimental injections, and the Yellow Card data are worrying. It is completely unethical and illegal (see Nuremberg Code, Helsinki Declaration) the mandate these products. Where there is a risk, there must be choice. Any official who illegally mandates these products, must be held accountable for their crimes in Nuremberg 2 trials.

'Anti-vaxxer' and the milder 'vaccine-hesitant' are being used as weaponized terms. This dismisses the other person as crazy and permits you the luxury to also outright dismiss all of their arguments. Governments have weaponized fear and taken vastly disproportionate measures, which aren't even necessary, because there are significantly more effective and harmless alternatives.

"As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious disease (HCID) in the UK."

COVID can still be a nasty disease for some, but so can the seasonal flu. HCID justify an enhanced individual, population and system response to ensure it is managed effectively, efficiently and safely. However, since COVID is no HCID, the draconian measures such as lockdowns, mask mandates, vaccine mandates, vaccinate passports, surveillance with contact tracing apps, and mass testing requirements are ALL unjustified.

The government and media keep creating more fear, which is detrimental to health and wellbeing. Thereby they have chosen to become the enemy of the people.

Arguments are continually being made that we need to protect the health care system from overflowing (e.g. "Protect the NHS"). This makes sense, but it has been governments who have reduced capacity so much that the system is severely stretched even in a normal flu season. They have now had 2 years to increase capacity, but in many cases have taken not one single effective step action to do so. Budgets are no increased and sometimes even reduced, resources are wasted on useless and hyper expensive mass testing for example, employees against mandates are fired, et cetera.

Additionally, all harmless and EFFECTIVE steps to reduce need to need of health care ― e.g. early treatment and vitamin D ― are not only systematically ignored and suppressed (e.g. as medical misinformation) by the authorities, but even forbidden and harshly punished (e.g. with fines, dismissal, mandatory psychological evaluation and even imprisonment).

The segregation and alienation provoked by governments and media are harmful and dangerous, not unlike what Nazi's crimes during the 1930's. (This statement is not politically correct, but it is TRUE and NEEDS to be said. If people can't handle it, they should NOT attack the messenger, but instead change reality starting with themselves.)

You are not alone. It only SEEMS that way because of cancel culture, censorship, cowardice, lack of integrity and many other factors. Stay strong. Hold the line. The truth WILL come out and we WILL prevail.

P.S. Note that in the linked UK Government page above, SARS and MERS are correctly labeled are airborne diseases. Effective and harmless measures against airborne disease are adequate ventilation, air filtration (HEPA/MERV filters and/or UV-light or plasma) and optimal relatively humidity. Measures like face masks, hand washing and washing of objects are pure HYGIENE THEATER: they accomplish nothing, waste resources and attention, and can even be harmful.

I'm not 100% convinced yet that SARS, MERS and SARS-CoV-2 are even the main culprits and that there even is transmission, but it is almost certain that the hygiene theater measures harmful and a complete waste of scarce resources, also causing enormous amounts of waste.



SOURCE: https://odysee.com/@Robert-Self:a0/NHS-Radiographer-speaks-out-against-mandates:8

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