Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming "Cant Stop Me Now" by Queen - The Looking Glass

3 years ago

DJT 1.15.22
Clipped from X22 Rumble

The Looking Glass - Checkmate - Bill Wood
Mirrored from: TronAnon Rumble
Link Here>>
The clip I linked is only a part of the full interview. It's a key clip, but I urge you all to watch the full clip.

If you're interested, search project Camelot on youtube, and you can dig up the full 2 hour plus interview. You can see from the age of the uploads, 2013, this is old theory, and an old clip.

This theory is mindblowing.

Essentially, IIRC, it states that the US military has time technology called project looking glass that the evil cabal of this realm have lost. It brings up 2012 in a new light.

I haven't watched the video in years, so if I remember correctly, Bill Wood explains that the good guys have won, and project looking glass is in the hands of the good guys. The evil cabal knows they've lost, and it's just a matter of how it plays out.

The video may be a good theory to explain the changes and shifts we have all collectively experienced.

full Bill Wood interview >>

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