Lavinia Iosub: Work Style Personality Types, Remote Team Management & Being a Digital Nomad

3 years ago

Lavinia Iosub is a fellow expat entrepreneur who originally hails from Romania and now runs a unique combo of a business incubator, remote team management, coworking space, and consultancy service here in Bali called Livit.  

Read the full transcript of our conversation here:

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(Basically, if you’re looking to build a remote team, scale your existing remote team, learn how to properly be a digital nomad, or just get a cool, calm place to work from in Bali so you can actually get some things done whilst you’re here – then Lavinia and Livit are going to be interesting for you.)

We talk about hiring in Indonesia vs. the Western democracies, synchronous vs. asynchronous communication, how to scale successfully, the different work style personality types, her take on the future of remote work and being a long-term, successful digital nomad, finding and maintaining a healthy work/life balance, an obscure Dutch social scientist who classified why people from certain cultures act the way they do, what holacracy is all about (a new term to me), and more.

Favorite Quote:
“Rewards can have very different natures, they can be tangible or intangible…Somebody who works in our welcoming and hospitality part just recently said to me, ‘This is the first company I’ve ever been employed at where I can save money and have vacation time to visit other countries.’ To me, I live for things like that. I want people to travel, I want people to develop themselves, they’ll come back as better contributors.”

Lavinia’s Links:
* Livit International -
* Triatma Mulya Stenden: Home -
* Lavinia Iosub | Project Getaway -
* The Ideas Lab Podcast: Lavinia Iosub -
* @LaviniaIosub on Twitter -
Other Relevant Links:
* Holacracy | Evolve Your Organization -
* REWORK | Basecamp -
* Twist -
* Gretchen Rubin -
* Geert Hofstede -

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