The NOT JFK Jr dude called Negative 48 might not be clowning on us but..

2 years ago

..But perhaps he is giving clues about Jr who is alive? I'm on the case and biblical prophecy and ascension slueth am I. Gear up for insanity as Negative48 might just be giving us some powerful clues about the intentions of one John F Kenndy Junior which happens to be a favorite A=1 Simple English gematria number of Michael Brian Protzman of Federal Way Washington State, aka the semi super popular online streamer Negative48. Btw Fauci is dead and this is his Album Cover if I had a rap CD to bag on about the POS that's burning in Hades right now. The Fauci double is just about as good as the three "Bidens" out there being old and alive and sh!t, and faking being a "POTUS 46"

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