Rick silenced on Front Porch Live January 16, 2022

3 years ago

Tonight we cover the good, the bad, & the ugly of two major topics:

First, the Supreme Court Decisions from Thursday which unfortunately turned out to be nearly exactly what I predicted on last week's Front Porch Live.

Second, real life stories of how the government has messed healthcare up so incredibly bad and how this lesson should teach us why government should stay in its proper, constitutional lane. We have a very, very special guest tonight. She has researched the treatments and science more than anyone I personally know. In addition to being smart, she is also extremely gorgeous so I'm hoping she'll sit close to me at the fire tonight. Yes, it's the one and only, Kara Green!

Many of you have heard Reagan sing live the #1 Aaron Lewis song, Am I The Only One, and asked where you can hear Reagan's version. You can listen on Spotify, ITunes, Apple Music, Pandora, & other outlets. All links easy here: https://remnantrising.hearnow.com/

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