Zelda BotW but everything is❓ RANDOM❓

3 years ago

Every warp takes me somewhere RANDOM. Every chest and Korok can hold ANY item. Every enemy can drop ANY drop. Oh... and anything can happen at any time. From renowned modder, Waikuteru - this robust and well thought out randomizer RULES.

Projects like this mod take upwards of hundreds of hours to make - please consider supporting the creator of BotW: Randomizer - whether it's $1,$5, or $50 to tell them thank you for all the fun you're having.

If you are interested in supporting the creator of this mod @Waikuteru , please visit:
GoFundMe: https://www.gofundme.com/f/botw-randomizer
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/waikuteru

After you've given toward the Randomizer project, type !randomgiving in the chat to share what you just did, you generous person you...

Chat rules:
Be friendly, keep the chat family friendly, and please don't spam!
Spamming emoji, chat, or the same message over and over will get you timed out.
Excessive CAPS is like yelling - and too much is annoying. The chat bot will get you if you do this.

Chat commands:
You earn Rupees by watching the stream, participating in chat games, and when we hit 'like' 'viewer' and 'sponsor' milestones! Also, for every dollar in Super Chat donations you'll receive Bonus Rupees. Rupees are used for minigames, raffles, and stream commands. Check how many you have with !rupees

Peter Commands (200 rupees each, you get cool points if used with impeccable timing.)
!uhoh !bike !slowclap
!bucket !lame !toasty
!dance !humor
!wow !smh !dontgetdead

!top - displays a list of top Rupee holders
!rupees - shows how many rupees you have
!email - displays the Basement's email address

Mod Only Chat Commands:
!wrr - an explanation of what rupees are for and how they work
!hype {name} - gets people to celebrate donators
!discord - displays a discord join link
!patreon - displays a Basement Patreon link
!newsub - Peter thanks the new sub
!peter - Peter tells people that Peter isn't here on the streams

Basement Merch!!!

Support the stream: https://streamlabs.com/thebasementgames

You can become a Basement Patron here:

Or become a member by clicking the member button here on Youtube

Join us on Discord anytime: https://discord.gg/PNPEPng

I am not monetizing this stream, so donations are greatly appreciated - you can donate through Stream Labs, or do a superchat if you would like to have your name appear on screen!

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