Monarch: The New Phoenix Program

2 years ago

Monarch: The New Phoenix Program Edited by Marshall Thomas
Acknowledgments This work is a review of literature on the subject of war crimes pertaining to the use of microwave weapons against civilians. Contributing authors have been given credit through footnotes and in the bibliography. I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation for their invaluable contributions to understanding these ongoing crimes against humanity. I wish to acknowledge the contribution of many authors, and particularly the heroic work of Jim Keith, Alex Constantine, John DeCamp, Michael Rupert, Dr. Nick Begich, and many others. I have made every attempt as an editor of this compilation to cite sources and include them in my bibliography. Due to extreme circumstances I have made errors in this regard, and others, but the story put forth here is faithfully and truthfully rendered and begs further investigation. The purpose of this compilation of literature is to prod more capable investigators and legal authorities to take active parts in addressing these grave issues discussed herein. Whenever possible, multiple sources are used to verify content, however this was not always possible. With this in mind we ask that readers concentrate on the totality of the material, not individual examples of criminality. Example: The chapter on cults often contains single source material that may overstate or exaggerate the role of persons named therein. The totality of the material paints a picture that is accurate. All persons named as allegedly involved in criminal activity are innocent until proven guilty, and deserve the presumption of innocence. Many of the nonlethal weapons experts are physicists who work in academia and are not necessarily aware of where their funding comes from or, how the technology will ultimately be used. Many social scientists are also unaware how their specialized knowledge might be used for unethical purposes. The majority of these individuals are innocent of criminal intent, while a minority have willingly cooperated in using their expertise for unethical and criminal ends. With this in mind please concentrate upon the bigger picture and the preponderance of evidence, rather than focusing upon references to individual actions. Marshall Gregory Thomas 9/10/11

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