How To Change Your Habits!

3 years ago

In this weeks episode of The Becoming a Champion Show, Coach Dana Cavalea talks about mastering the habit of habit stacking.

If you are looking to create sustainable results and outcome in your life- Habit Stacking is a sure fire, low will power way to do it!

Too often we rely on will power and discipline to change a habit, but if you want to change a habit, the best way to do so is one at a time.

Showcase mastery- then move on.

If you are struggling to lose weight, improve production and improve performance, habit stacking is a way to achieve more in less time without the stress of feeling like you have so much do or that you are a failure because you were not perfect.

Also, if you are looking to accelerate your habits, check out Coach's new book, Habits of a Champion Team.

Sit back and enjoy this amazing episode with Coach Dana Cavalea.

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