3 years ago

Disgusting Corporate Crime Gang the Queensland Police At it again... dont forget cops investigate the wrong doing of other cops...
After the Government created a FAKE HOAX - CONvid PLANdemic - and do not have actual LAWS for this nonsense Emergency.
Which is just them bringing in the killer 5G network and the symptoms of EMF radiation poisoning are exactly the same symptoms as a bad flu...
If the government told us all we had to F@ck a Cat.... would you do it ?? if they said it was a Rule or directions or mandatory. THAT IS NOT LAW...
The QLD police should be SUED right now in a class action !!! to stop them from Breaching their oath and unlawfully arresting peaceful business owners... THAT THE GOVT has also F@CKED for the last two years with this FAKE PLANdemic....

Stand up now Aussies.... I wish I was there on this day... I would have wrestled those C@NTS to the ground and cuffed them... !!!

You need to see whats next... man made mega GEO-STORM - quakes and tsunamis...
Financial reset !! You NEED to get yourselves a Crypto wallet right now.. all free. and a list will be below on the tops coins to buy..
your bank WIPED -- your Super retirement fund.. GONE - your share portfolio will be ZERO when they cause a black out AS the market and US $ crashes... so that no-one can sell their shares....

Famine - you have seen how easily the shelves go bare... if you dont have at least one months food ( that you dont have to cook too much ) for your whole family.. you will not survive without the government FORCING you on to their evil 666 mark of the beast crypto currency of their own..
you can only spend at certain places ( they trialed this with the cashless welfare card... and tricked everyone to go after the " doll bludgers" well now you all pay the price )
and not only can you spend it where they tell you... it will have a time limit..

SO grab a free crypto wallet below... Share videos from this channel to support the channel - or head to DOWN UNDER DEALS and check out the useful gifts n gadgets we have started getting out in to the world ( Free Shipping Australia wide... hTtP://WwW.RobboDaYobbo.CoM

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