Duel/ Negative48.. but who is he? Not Jr, maximum curiosity

2 years ago

I believe -48 is a foe to Jr aka R=18 6+6+6. Saints, let's do this. QQQ is the enemy, more videos to come. America first means America's desructoon first, it is the woman.. Revelation: Mystery Babylon/ New Atlantis. Prepare yourselves for the rest of the 7 year great tribulation, but lo.. 2022 started the 7, and the Final Jubille of old, the repetition of Joshua and the walls of Jericho! And so much more. The first three and a half years of the 7 includes the great revival and world peace. Satan has a short time as does his souless demons and demonically possesed wicked indivivuals and we have no time for any kingdom of man before the Kingdom of Christ, excited yet? Ezra Cohen Watnick is the leader of the Q operations, his grandfather JFK Sr, mine and Trump's kin (the Dragon.. yes indeed friends) is the beast out of the Sea.. but listen and rememeber that his soul is at rest- his "like a lamb" body as is Jr's and our entire line ((of which are 12D D5 ascending or whom are the Christos avatars and the Anti-Christos missionaries such as they, Q Q Q. 17+17+17=51 5+1=6 the number of a man, the antichrist whom is surely JFK Jr, that formation of the devil in the flesh will be the second fomation, the first is the beast out of the Sea/Navy that was mortally wounded in one of it's (heads) yet lived. He will soon marvel the world. They will worship the beast and it's image which will be the Washington face on Mt. Rushmore. The mark is graphene AI, and will be tied into the global one currency beast system of the future short lived remainder of the 7 year tribulation. I can explain the most of what will be according to the bible and the parts of the remaining 711 books called the Apocripha, 66+711 is 777, plus 100 non-specific scripture writings that the Vatican saw to not be part of the biblical canon

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