Dr. Robert Malone: ‘Mass Formation’ Hypnosis of Society

2 years ago

"I spoke about it in a simple way that seems to have connected with people and it became one of the top trending search terms on Google over the weekend. What was fascinating is people that are on my Getter account started tracking as Google … by comparing DuckDuckGo search results and Google Search results and screenshotting the differences.

They were able to demonstrate Google actively manipulating the search results in real-time over the weekend to downgrade the links that would pop when people would search mass formation, because I was coming at the top of the stack initially on Google.

And Google then stopped the ability of users to search mass formation and manually went in and changed the ranking results, so that obscure videos that had been posted by people that were attacking, assuming that I was the originator of the theory and the logic, which was not true, they attacked me personally for what I had said, not realizing that it’s actually Mattias Desmet that developed all of this theory and I was just reciting what I’ve learned from him.

And Google put YouTube clips that had prior had only like 10 hits at the top of the search stack as the most frequent responses when people would search and pushed me way down in the stack so you couldn’t find it unless you searched on DuckDuckGo.

So, it was a fascinating example that actually validated in real-time Mattias Desmet’s theories. I was on a podcast with Mattias yesterday, and we had a good laugh that, over the last week, we have had enough data generated validating his theories of mass formation to keep him and his graduate students going for the next 20 years. I mean, it has been amazing watching it. What it demonstrates is the lack of self-awareness by big tech that they are caught up in the mass formation themselves or they are intentionally manipulating it."

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