Enemies With Benefits

3 years ago

Enemies With Benefits
For quite some time now our nation has been influenced by outside forces. We have been given the illusion of a 2 party system when in reality it’s a uni-party. We only have the illusion of a republic.
For the first time in American history our government has been taken over from within with the help of outside forces. Every branch of our government has been high jacked and lawlessness has taken over. Everything the current illegitimate régime is doing is designed to weaken America. Buyden is not in control; he can’t remember where he is at let alone be the POTUS. The FBI has now become the modern day Gestapo, the enforcement arm of the globalists.
They have weaponized every branch of government to take down the opposition. As a republic with a democratic process we should have seen this coming, but now I fear it is too late for America. She has been taken over without a shot being fired so far. When they can no longer cover up their motives they will resort to a kinetic war on American citizens, it is inevitable.
The virus and vaccines are weapons being used against Americans under the guise of a health emergency. Little do most of them know the vaccine is a weapon designed to take them out. Like lambs being led to the slaughter they line up to have their bodies injected with poison and even their own children. This is so absolutely hideous and it has the devils MO all over it.
As Christians we should be the vanguard of our nation, but Christianity is mostly unengaged and uninterested in anything other than gathering once a week and singing cum by ya in these Christian country clubs called churches.
Our nation has descended into moral debauchery on a massive scale and it makes Sodom and Gomorrah look like a gathering of Nuns. We have taken sin to new levels never seen before in the history of mankind. As a result God has taken His hedge of protection away from America and the flood gates of evil have been opened. There is no way to stop it unless Americans repent collectively and as individuals.
This is a worldwide phenomenon; sin and debauchery have taken hold of the entire world.
It is my opinion the vaccine is designed to replace the God given DNA of mankind with the DNA of satan himself. One of the main ingredients in the vaccine is Graphene a carbon based element with a signature of 666. Somehow the vaccine is being used to rewrite your Gnome and genetic sequence, rendering you un human. You will no longer be made in the image of God but satan, effectively exterminating the human race.
Our so called elected officials are no longer representing “we the people” but their own anti American globalist agenda. Their MO is easily identified; create an emergency with False Flag events, and then introduce legislation to fix that emergency by any means necessary. Their MO is the same whether it is election fraud, mass shootings, climate change, green energy, finances, the list goes on forever. Deception is the name of their game. These are your enemies and you are the ones providing their benefits.

These people are pure evil; the Judicial, the Legislative and the Executive branches of Government and last but not least big tech and the MSM have all set themselves in array against we the people.
Look at the entire world, it is happening right now.
Our nation is at a crossroads and once the global cabal realizes they can no longer run this gigantic con they will resort to World War. The Red Horse is next in line.
The Bible is full of similitudes or types and ensamples that reoccur time and again. The children of Israel were taken into captivity by Pharaoh and Nebuchadnezzar because of their disobedience and outright defiance of God Almighty. America has a large population of the 12 tribes of Israel and what goes for the House of Israel also goes for America. What has happened to the 12 tribes in the past is about to befall America.
We have been taken over from within and our own people have betrayed us.
Many within our own government are your enemy.

What are you going to do about it?

Obadiah 1:7 All the men of thy confederacy have brought thee even to the border: the men that were at peace with thee have deceived thee, and prevailed against thee; they that eat thy bread have laid a wound under thee: there is none understanding in him.
-Americans don’t have a clue as to what is happening

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