WTD ep.36 Joe Murray 'one that can see!'

3 years ago

Joe Murray joins us on Wake the Dead to discuss his music and inspirations. Joe is an anarchist hip-hop artist who shares the truth in his music. Born in a long line of musicians Joe has taken his talents and applied them to the Great Work. With one of his 3 minute songs you can share huge chunks of knowledge with the world. His lyrics focus on the principles of sovereignty and self ownership, with a healthy dose of 'wake the fuck up'. Included with the interview are many original songs by Joe Murray. Please Enjoy...
2:23 - All Out War
1:16:44 - What's It Going To Take?
1:20:17 - No Rulers No Slaves
1:23:13 - The Right To Kill
1:26:12 - Liberty Or Death
1:29:47 - All Rise (feat. DISL Automatic & Polar Tha White)
1:32:35 - I'm A Free Man
1:35:53 - Ready For War
1:39:42 - Order Followers (feat. Polar Tha White)
1:43:06 - You're Gonna Hear Me Now
1:47:00 - Final Stand (feat. DISL Automatic)
website - https://freedomforall.online/
odysee - https://odysee.com/@joemurray:b

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