Harry Potter “addict” converts her attic into an incredible Hogwarts themed common room

3 years ago

A gran who has spent years amassing a collection of more than 4,000 Harry Potter items has converted her attic into an incredible Hogwarts-themed common room.

Self-confessed 'Potter addict' Janice Burnett, 53, has converted the attic of her bungalow to a spellbinding shrine to JK Rowling’s wizarding world.

The grandmother said she became enchanted with Harry Potter 11 years ago when she watched one of the blockbuster films at a friend’s house.

Since then, she has amassed a huge collection devoted to Gryffindor, the mythical school house where characters Ron, Harry and Hermione live in the bestselling books.

Janice, who helps run fan pages Harry Potter UK and Fantastic Beasts, said she had bought up everything she could initially but had since refined her collection.

She said: “When you’re a collector, you do get addicted to things.

“At the start, as soon as I saw something with Harry Potter on it, I had to buy it.

"But you have to be careful in the end because you’re overcome with a kind of rubbish collection.

“So I’ve had to cut down on all the stuff I don’t need, but I do want to collect the expensive things.”

Filmed on the 14th January 2022.

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