Plan to Tag People for New World Order Slave System - Dr Mercola interviews Dr Zelenko, 12 Jan 2022

3 years ago

Dr Vladimir Zelenko explains that Covid-19 is a bio-weapon that's very treatable in early stages. It has two stages as it damages the lungs and creates blod clots. Early outpatient treatment avoids going to hospital.

Zelenko says that any doctor in New South Wales, who prescribes Hydroxychloroquine or Ivermectin for Covid-19, would go to jail because such prescription causes vaccine hesitancy.

Mercola & Zelenko explain that the spread of Omicron is therapeutic for Covid-19 and could end the pandemic.

Zelenko points out that the use of vaccines, during an active pandemic, will cause disease variants to occur. He credits 2008 Nobel prize winning, French immunologist Dr Luc Montagnier, along with two other famous immunologists, Thai-German Dr Sucharit Bakdi & Belgain Dr Geert Vanden Bossche, for making this perspective public.

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