Aug. 2024 The Beast System WILL RISE!

3 years ago

Disappearing stars is a sign of the woman in revelation 13.

End times prophecy tells us the woman of revelation will hide for 2520 days until the rise of the beast.

From September 23, 2017 until August 17, 2024 the woman (representing God's people) will remain hidden after which time the beast of the sea will rise.

Revelation 13 then tells us that the beast will rule for 42 months (1260 days) eventually bringing in world government and the mark of the beast.

In this video I will explain why you should get ready for full on world government coming at you beginning Q3 2024!

This is Bible, truth, ultimate end of days stuff - we are not green lit - this is a RED ALERT!

In the next video we will discuss the possibilities for a rapture event around the year 2030.

Here is the video describing my vision of Michael the Archangel:

Check out my last video on end times prophecy:

Further Reading:
Revelation 12, 13
Daniel 12
Revelation 17:7-18
Revelation 9:1, 11

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