Warrior Course for Ladies 2021

3 years ago

The Warrior Course for Young ladies presented a FULL obstacle course in the rolling hills of rural Missouri, just a five minute drive off of highway 36. September 2021. Location is just 7 miles from the crossroads of major 4-lanes Hwy 63 and Hwy 36 in North Central Missouri. We exist to show youth (and the young at heart) why they are special, but in need of the life source of the Universe. We point to HIM, the Alpha and Omega. We point to a loving Savior, who takes us from our weak beings and filthy rags, to spirit Warriors, white as snow, eternally bound for heaven, as Born Again, Yeshua believing humans. We point our attendees to the HOPE & GRACE of Yeshua. We have guest speakers from anywhere in the United States. This year we featured our founder’s (Melanie Thurnau) testimony for organizing Power In Me Conference and . We also had Beth Miller, certified counselor from North Central Missouri, speak about her practice what her services offer. We’re looking forward to Warrior Course in September 2022. All of the challenging obstacles and much more in 2022! This year, we’re bringing in a wellness expert, to open our eyes to the many natural ways to mitigate general wellness issues. We’re excited about the TRUTH we have to share! Visit www.PowerInMeConference.com to learn more. Want to join us? (660) 676-7437 powerinmeconference@gmail.com

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