Mysterious Underwater Structures Around the World part 2

2 years ago

This area is my first circuit board area that I found about 10 years ago. I was finding mush lower quality circuits in South America. That's the country I began this google earth journey in. I set my mind to find physical evidence of Ancient Aliens by going out into the most remote regions of the World and exploring no mans land. It was many tedious hours of hard work...circuit boards, sunken cities, ancient grid lines ect. But most of my finds are submerged under water or underground or partly in Tartaria Mudflood...witch is closely related to what I do here on google earth. Finding what's still visible from the old world...that past earth cataclysms did not completely destroy. Ancient Alien Evidence is my mission. I hope you enjoy my hard work. I don't do it for myself...I do it for Humanity. Alien Discloser is near, and it obvious to me....they have Always Been Here!!!

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