3 years ago

New Zealand Government have been extremely busy in the political toilet bowl of Wellington under the secret veil of COVID19. Signing an agreement with the World Economic Forum that represent Multistakeholder Capitalist Corporations, Big Tech, Big Pharma etc.,

As masses of small businesses are destroyed and the unemployment rate worsens another plot is being introduced, promoted using New Zealand citizens as guineapigs.
Guinea pigs for jabs, and guinea pigs for hugely increasing AI systems that will impact every persons life in New Zealand. The government have reported they need NZ citizens to trust them with their personal data. Personally I would not trust them at all.

Already we are being controlled by Arderns leadership that amounts to a Communist Chinese Social Credit Systems of rewards and punishments. A two tier system of discrimination and apartheid. All I see is destruction, destruction and more destruction.

The orchestrated purchased propaganda machine of the newsmedia, which is cherry picked and untrusting as it character assassinates anyone who opposes Arderns Socialist, Marxist leadership.
Not one of those political cronies in the cesspit of Wellington has publically announced the NZ Governments agreement with France to roll out the Christchurch Call in 2021. Increased censorship and surveillance.

New Counter Terrorism laws that risk lawful protestors being arrested.
Of course, sadly I say suicides have increased over this last 2 years. Yet the government tells you they have decreased – how can that be? The coroners office that investigates this has a 5-6 year backlog in investigations. Therefore the last 4 years of suicide stats must be legal fiction.
Four Midwives oppose the ‘No Jab-No Job’ in the NZ High Court, stating that this violates the NZ Bill Of Rights (1990) The judge declines their case, and orders their file to be placed in the archives for the next three years, available to no-one unless a judge states these can be released. This is the type of crap that law abiding citizens of New Zealand are having to deal with.

COVID19 serious injuries, and COVID19 post jabs being ignored, hidden deliberately so. Police officers, nurses, doctors either walking out of their employment or being told they mush leave because they refuse to take part in a Human Inoculation Trial.. A Human Experiment.
Now they want our children for this global Human Experiment, to use them as guineapigs.

'KEEP YOUR HANDS OFF OUR CHILDREN.' (A message from me to this government) "You hurt my child, you hurt me, we do not consent, we never will"

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