Spontaneous Thoughts on Birth and Rebirth

2 years ago

by Chilly Billy Howell, a Thankful Grandfather

Spontaneous thoughts on birth and rebirth by a thankful Grandfather lead this thankful Christian to a continued awareness of the miracles surrounding us at all times.

So, Rebirth for the Christian is the biggie; running a close second is the physical birth of a fully functioning, distinctly different from anyone else, marvelously “knitted” together in the womb of a mother, child of Promise. What a miracle! Thank you, Lord.

Seeing this new creation, created in God’s image, reaffirms my belief in the miracles of birth and rebirth.

It is easy for us, specifically me, to get anesthetized to the wonder, wildness and incredible design in this temporal moment we call life. Rebirth may be more difficult to see; birth is not. Seeing and hearing a precious child immediately after being cocooned inside an expectant mother’s midsection for about nine months serves as a catalyst augmenting my Faith in rebirth.

Rebirth, for a Christian, is a mysterious-yet-believable point of recognition that we are not our own masters. Even in the most animistic cultures, the aboriginal inhabitants would have never fathomed that they were the end-all. They looked above and beyond.

In my opinion—and it’s just that, an opinion—too often our predecessors from more primitive civilizations worshipped the creation not the Creator. As Christians, we seek the Originator of the marvelous creation we see around us.

In doing so, we believe, we are led to the Triune, monotheistic God of the Bible. The Bible being God’s inerrant Word and history of His dealings with mankind until the era of the 1st Century Church.

We believe that God the Father sent God the Son into the world to live a completely righteous life and to die for the sins of the World, the only propitious-yet-mysterious way that a Holy God could by Grace, not human merit, admit us into His presence to some degree now and fully in Eternity.

Requires Faith! Absolutely! Can I prove it? Absolutely not! Can I testify that He is an all powerful, all knowing, at all times everywhere, good, gracious and anxious to redeem my failings Lord? Absolutely!

However, in a belief in God’s mysterious incarnation, death and resurrection of His Son Jesus the Christ, who was with God and the Holy Spirit always, we as Christians believe what is said in the Bible that we inherit eternal life in his presence once our temporal bodies, governed by the Second Law of Thermal-dynamics (entropy), which asserts that carbon-based entities deteriorate over time cease to exist. Yet, our Spirit—the essence of mankind—lives on!

Similar to my scrambled video wanderings, this post just went where it went. If not interested, always feel free to keep moving. I don’t like to preach; I’m just trying to explain my often-thought-to-be understood attention-deficit mindset always informed by my Judeo-Christian beliefs.

So, Rebirth for the Christian is the biggie; running a close second is the physical birth of a fully functioning, distinctly different from anyone else, marvelously “knitted” together in the womb of a mother, child of Promise. What a miracle! Thank you, Lord

—Chilly Billy Howell

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