What is our Purpose and how to find it

3 years ago

You are Uniquely You and That is Your Power

Dawn brings a unique background in leadership, life experiences, and modern coaching training to help you transform and create a heart-centered life that is authentic to you.
Dawn's master's level education, formal coach training, business and leadership experience combined with heart-centered gifts allow her to go where no one else will. Through this transformation process, we will open the gifts of the heart.

Transformational Coach- Dawn Long

#youareloved #beaconofhope #unstoppable


When Nobody Else Will

Committed- Client-Centered

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6AE_PfvuUcHThDseXIMJXA

Podbean Podcast: https://dawnlongempowermentcoach.podbean.com/

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yourtransformationjourney/

Website: https://www.dawnlongcoach.com

LInkedin: www.linkedin.com/in/dawnlong

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