Things that are going on around the world and the United States.

2 years ago

Going to talk about some articles that I have found and might also have a panel to talk about what it means for us.

“Dr Fauci, Gimme That Ouchie” – YouTuber Dressed as a Nurse Trolls Dallas City Hall Meeting By Rapping About Vaccines As He Douses Himself in Hand Sanitizer (VIDEO) -

“I Thought It Was Fabulous!” – Pelosi Praises Biden For Calling Americans Who Oppose Democrats’ Radical Election Overhaul ‘Domestic Enemies’ (VIDEO) -

HUGE: Iran’s Ayatollah Khamenei Releases Video on His Official Website Depicting the Assassination of President Trump – Biden Does Nothing (VIDEO) -

Psaki Refuses to Condemn Video from Iran’s Supreme Leader That Depicts the Assassination of President Trump (VIDEO) -

“It Has to Stop” – Joe Biden Tells Social Media Companies to “Deal with” Covid “Misinformation and Disinformation” (VIDEO) -

Joe Biden Erects Concrete Security Wall Around White House — But Leaves US Border Wide Open -

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