The Week According To . . . Liz Phillips

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The irrepressible Liz Phillips is back, shooting from the lip while looking at some of the stories that have caught our eye or made our blood boil in this weeks news.
Topics in the crosshairs this episode include the boozy Downing Street parties, wearing a face mask makes you more sexy?, sleepy Joe Biden blocked again on vaccine mandates, Scotland COVID rates lowest in unvaccinated, repulsive establishment nonces and The Andrew...formerly known as Prince, flags lowered for EU parliament leader, MI5 warn China spy active in British government and Australia has champion Novak Djokovic labelled as a threat to public order who 'could' spark civil unrest!!

Liz Phillips was brought up as a farmer's daughter in rural Kent in South East England. She has led a varied life, working in many industries including animal feed manufacturing, fencing, paper making and security.
Liz was on the management team that opened the first ever Argos store, she owned and leased three restaurants in Mid Wales and has even managed a 5000 acre estate in France!! A member of both the Referendum Party and UKIP working latterly for Nigel Farage and Gerard Batten as PA, to help achieve the referendum and Brexit vote.
Liz also has fond memories of working with the late Stuart Wheeler to reach the same goal.
Married to an ex serviceman for the last 34 years, Liz and her husband started their own TV company (Freedom Digital Media Ltd.) in 2020 to rebut the propaganda and fake news from the MSM!! This covers Freedom Digital Broadcasting for TV available on ROKU, Amazon Fire and on their website, Free Tube – with similar properties to YouTube, and Free Voice – their own equivalent of Twitter.
Liz and her husband are currently using their extensive knowledge of the security industry to re-train and help with the tutoring of Peace Constables/ Common Law

Links to stories from this episode
Exclusive: Head of government Covid rules unit held ‘boozy’ party during Christmas restrictions
Wearing a facemask makes you more attractive to the opposite sex, study finds
US Supreme Court blocks Joe Biden’s vaccine mandates on large businesses
Covid Scotland: Case rates lowest in unvaccinated as double-jabbed elderly drive rise in hospital admissions
Establishment fiddling with Children
Retired BBC Panorama director, 76, found with 832 child abuse images gasps in shock as he avoids jail after judge said his 'poor health' would make prison 'particularly challenging' during pandemic
Queen strips Prince Andrew of all military titles and royal patronages
David Sassoli: Flags lowered for EU parliament leader
MI5 warns Chinese government 'agent' has been 'active' in UK parliament, MPs told
Novax Djokovic
Tennis star Novak Djokovic is sent back to notorious immigration detention hotel as visa battle rumbles on and Australian officials declare him a threat to public order who could spark 'civil unrest'

Originally broadcast as a live video news review 15.1.22

Audio Podcast version available at ⁣ and all major podcast directories.

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