What-s Up Prof - Episode 98 - Battles of Armageddon and Gog & Magog by Walter Veith & Martin Smith

3 years ago

Episode 98: The hosts discuss the two most popular end time battles, Armageddon and Gog and Magog. Who are involved?

There are numerous versions and interpretations on where and how these battles will be fought and who are involved. This leads to confusion which can be dangerous because our attention is drawn in the wrong direction.

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With Thanks to AD Africa for permitting the redistribution of this material via The Loud Cry on rumble and via Truth and Peace on YouTube.

Recommended reading: Testimonies for the Church, vol 6, p 404. (Chapter 51—Preparation for the Final Crisis) - https://beta.egwwritings.org/read?panels=p118.2199&index=0

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