WTH wrong with Alex Berenson - goes after Dr. Robert Malone. Malone keeps his cool.

3 years ago

WTH wrong with Alex Berenson - goes after Dr. Robert Malone. Malone keeps his cool. From Dr. Malone:
Alex Bereonson goes on Fox News and directly calls me a liar to my face and says I didn’t invent RNA vaccines. Unprofessional, rude and an asshole to boot. But beyond that, I think we can all assume CONTROLLED OPPOSITION. So, for Alex, who evidently doesn’t know how to do an internet search, find a patent and read it - I will make it easy for him. First - couple of proof of concept experiments conducted in 1988 -from the patents issued in 1989.
Malone goes on to list the many patents that he was involved with.

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