Sore loser CNN slams "mass-misinformation" on Joe Rogan podcast, urges censorship, warnings

2 years ago

Jessica Malaty Rivera slams mass-misinformation on the Joe Rogan podcast and suggests "directing people to credible sources like the CDC or WHO". The sources that have proven over and over again to LACK credibility are the CDC and WHO (and FDA, NIH, NIAID, and other agencies). The biggest source of misinformation is official misinformation. People like Anthony Fauci, Rochelle Walensky and Joe Biden are the biggest spreaders of misinformation and source of public health harm of them all.

"There's a ton of consensus here to prove that what that information [on the Joe Rogan podcast] is, is actually incorrect." News flash: the place where consensus is highly prized, is in a (COVID) CULT. In real SCIENCE, ONLY facts and analyses counts. If you disagree with what is discussed on the Joe Rogan podcast, then you should present true facts and analyses to prove it wrong, not call for censorship and warnings. Suppressing dissenting views show the weakness of your own position.

Truth does not mind being questioned; a lie does not like being challenged.

If Jessica and many other vaxx-pushers are so certain about vaccine misinformation, why have they refused for 20 years a public debate with Steve Kirsch and an elite team of vaxx critics? Answers: because they know they'll lose. Here's the invitation:

Short history lesson: there used to be consensus that...
- the earth is flat,
- the earth the middle of the universe,
- heavy things fall faster than lighter things,
- doctors don't need to wash their hands between doing an autopsy and helping women give birth (see Ignaz Semmelweis),
- it's useless to give sailors citrus fruits to prevent them from getting scurvy.

All this consensus turned out to be patently FALSE, and it could be proven to be false long before it was widely acknowledged to be false. Calling for trust in science is anti-scientific. Science is about being skeptical (anti-thesis). We gain more knowledge by trying to disprove existing false beliefs.

"At the minimum it would be banners and warnings." Agree, and these banners and warnings should be prominently placed around all official messages and all main stream media broadcasts.

Joe Rogan advised a 21 year old against getting vaccinated in April of 2021. This is EXACTLY the right advise, because...
- just the known short-term side-effects already make the jab significantly more dangerous than the disease for a healthy 21 year old,
- there are lots of unknown side-effects with this completely new technology and the warning signs are frightening,
- the jab provides almost no to NEGATIVE protection against disease, so by getting you assume the significant risks of the jab and you STILL have the risks of the disease,
- any protection the jab provides is of short duration at best (so you have the risk of repeated boosters),
- the jab provides no significant protection against transmission and can even make you MORE dangerous to others, because you can be highly infectious without having symptoms (see Typhoid Mary) and recent data seem to show vaxx protection against infection (and therefore transmission) may become NEGATIVE,
- there are alternatives for preventing severe disease and infection risk that are perfectly safe and significantly more effective, such as early intensive combination treatment.

CNN and the COVID cult seem to be particularly bad losers. CNN can't stand that Joe Rogan by himself gets more attention than their whole organization combined. Instead of them becoming better, they call for sabotage of the competition. The cult followers can't stand that they've been proven wrong. Instead of just adopting the correct stance, they call for suppression of the dissenting group.

Glenn Greenwald writes: "They can't stand that anyone airs any dissent from the views they demand be treated as orthodoxy. And they become particularly enraged when the people they think are inferior and stupid have large audiences, while nobody listens to them. That's what drives the desperation."

Chris Blec writes: "Throughout history, the side that censors words and thoughts has *always* been the side that is remembered as evil. Without exception."

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