Canadian covid dystopia: Trudopian PHAC agents spied on unconsenting Canadians

2 years ago

Credit Instagram's @news.rebel and @Liam.out.loud for bringing this gem to our attention. The speaker is John Brassard MP for the Ontario riding of Barrie-Innisfil. His discovery of criminality at the Public Health Agency of Canada (PHAC) occurred after the agency issued in December 2021 a tender for cellphone data collection services, see [1] for article in newspaper of record. His announcement was made on 10 January 2021 when he and other members of the Parliamentary Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy and Ethics [2] demanded from the Chair an Emergency Meeting, which was scheduled to happen before the end of the week [3].

The National Post, which broke this story to global attention after the investigative work of Blacklock's Reporter [4-6], raises an issue which surprises me. Let me tell you why. The NP story was dated 24 December 2021. It reports on a tender issued by the PHAC for "de-identified cell-tower based location data from across Canada beginning from from Jan. 2019 until the end of the contract period on May 31, 2023, with possibility of three one-year extensions." This implies that the tender not only was coached by a contractor, but also that tracking data for cellphones is warehoused by private parties and available from as early as January 2019.

Mr Brassard is rightly concerned by the fact that 87% of Canadians were the victims of warrantless government surveillance, as he says in this video.

The result of the Emergency Meeting of the committee was that they summoned Minister of Health Jean-Yves Duclos and Canada's chief public health officer, Dr. Theresa Tam to appear before it to answer questions on the incident. [3]

Welcome to the future and Canada's New Normal as envisioned by the diseased mind of Justin Trudeau.








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