Dr. Jeff Hoeyberghs Corona Covid19 Cain RAW TALK interview English Subtitles

3 years ago

In this video Dr. Jeff Hoeyberghs explains why and how we are being forced to self isolate for Covid 19.
Why the loss of our civil liberties and devastation to the economy will be far greater than the few lives which will be saved through the total lockdown.

He does not deny the existance of the novel corona virus, however he disagrees with the effectiveness of the draconian W.H.O. measures.

He further explains how and why the French speaking minority has effectivelly commited a coup d'etat with an emergency government in Belgium.
Our prime minister Sophie Wilmes has only 16.180 votes.
While all ministers combined have only 359.329 votes over a population of 11 million.

With only the two top M.P.'s from the Dutch speaking majority largest opposition party have 365.124 votes on their own, that's more than the entire Belgian government!

Dr. Hoeyberghs is a renowned surgeon and clinician who has previously been on the receiving end of the ire of the press for stating the obvious.

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