Do you like dancing with people who aren't as skilled?

3 years ago

Do you like dancing with people who aren't as skilled?

Beginner wants to know how more experienced dancers feel about dancing with less experienced dancers.

The key thing to remember is social dances are meant to be FUN. beginners can be very fun to dance with because their happiness is contagious.

A nice, genuine person who is there to have fun will always be fun to dance with. Usually it’s the shitty people with shitty skills who are the worst. When I was the worst on the dance floor, I tried to smile a lot, not take myself seriously, and just try to listen to the follow I was dancing with.

Nice people are fun to dance with at any skill level. Nice people also don’t mind dancing with beginners.
You should Aim to be the beginners best dance of the night. Put a smile on their face.

Followers, understand that it can be super intimidating for a beginner lead to ask an experienced follower to dance.

everyone loves dancing with experienced dancers, but each of those experienced dancers were also beginners at one point. So always give beginners support and encouragement, give them the motivation to keep learning and growing to become those fancy leads and follows y'all love to dance with and watch so much!

I enjoy dancing with complete beginners or inexperienced follows because I view it as a test of my leading skills. It's also a chance for me to concentrate on the basics.

Me being complety honest, as a more experienced lead. Dancing with a beginner makes me feel like superman. The follower is a giggly and I am able to wow her with some techniques that I have perfected.

Dancing with a beginner is also time for me to take a break. Dancing with someone on or above my level can be a little more stressful because they sometimes expect more variety and complexity in my moves..

Some of my favorite dances of the night were with people that I could just vibe to the music with, and who were clearly enjoying dancing with me. This compared to the professional dancer who could do everything I led perfectly but looked bored the whole time.

One thing to remember is that poor followers make leaders a better leader, and poor leaders make followers a better follower because you have to learn to compromise. The best leaders are the ones who are able to match your skill level and cover for your mistakes, and similarly as a follower your skills at following is really tested when you're with a new lead.

So don't feel like you're wasting anyone's time. Everyone was beginners once and most people understand that and are really nice about it! And if they're being snobby about it then well it's their problem, not yours. I do understand the anxiety feeling of not being good enough though! But remember, you're a beginner and you're there to learn and have fun!

The key thing is just to be nice, have fun, accept when you make a mistake.Getting annoyed at the leader is understandable but counter-productive to a certain extent - unless they're hurting you, then that's a different story. Just laugh it off and have fun!


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