Wildlife A Animal a Hippo

3 years ago


How to Start Potty Training
Once your figure out when to start potty training, it's important to introduce it properly. These tips can help ease the transition from diapers to toilets.
Baby potty training guide 👉

What's the Best Potty Training Age?
The best potty training age isn't one size fits all. "When kids want to go on the potty, they will go on the potty. Sometimes that happens at 18 months, sometimes it doesn't happen until close to age 4, but no healthy child will go into kindergarten in diapers," says Dr. Asta. That said, most children typically start potty training between 18 and 30 months.

The following signs may indicate that your child is ready to start potty training:

Your child is staying dry for at least two hours during the day and is dry after naps
They can follow simple instructions, like a request to walk to the bathroom, sit down, and remove their clothes.
They're interested in wearing "big girl" or "big boy" underwear.
Your child knows when their diaper is wet. If they cry, fuss, or show other signs of obvious discomfort when their diaper is soiled—and indicate through facial expression, posture, or language that it's time to use the toilet—then they're ready to start the process.

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