Tucker Carlson Tonight 14 Jan 2022

2 years ago

Jan 6 update and the attack on the first amendment, freedom to assemble. We want to see the 14'000 hours of video, we want honesty from the deep state, we want a pony. VDH joins Tucker to put "Sedition" charges into perspective. VDH is always great.
Adam Corolla joins Tucker to discuss the continuing death spiral of California. What a shame. I lived there for 8 years in the 80's and early 90's, and another 6 years in the 2000's and it was awesome. Now I wouldn't even visit. At least not the coast.
Short clip from TCToday
Mandate for vaccine for health care workers left in place, Tucker talks SCOTUS and the disappointment of Kavanaugh. So glad the patriots rallied to his defense during confirmation. NOT.
Interview with Lucien Greaves of the Satanic Temple and an afterschool club in Illinois. Gross, but defended under equal access. Tucker points out the hypocrisy.
Dr. Marty Makary joins Tucker to discuss the fantastic trend in Covid due to the omicron characteristics that are ignored by the IIC and his minions. It's all fear, all the time. Makary points out the obvious.

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