Feline Friday Fun: January! Back In Da GYM!

3 years ago

Floki ~ Look folks, dis is da way it is ~ Us cats do what we do and da Purrents gotta go wid it. Dey get what dey get, ya know? Plan a video topic? Ha Ha, we don't cooperate. Never. Dis one is fur all dose Hoomans who signed up at da gym. Enjoy da smells! LOL! Dats probly why folks drop out after a month, da smells! All in good fun!

Do you want to know more about the Homestead Prowlers ~ Floki, Zoe and Otis? Please visit us on our blog: https://homesteadprowlers.com/
Blog posts feature photos of the Prowlers enjoying their daily endeavors along with more in depth details about their lives here at our Homestead with their Momma and PawPaw.

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