3 years ago

These videos are the proof I have that I'm being stalked tortured and manipulated through rape torture by a community of sick criminals.

This one takes place early November 2020 after I got out of a mental hospital in Las Vegas.

More proof these screens can be communicated through: I was just fidgeting with a cheap library head phone case that I got for a dollar. It's just a little piece of plastic that you wrap the head phones around and it was making a ticking noise as I was messing with it then it messed up what I was saying on the other side.(remember the ticking noise and telepathically responded back but I didn't here myself here on this side.) They must of used a manipulation tactic like hypnotic suggestion to pick up my head phone case(<they also tried to make me forget to type this part before the parenthesis) I asked myself if this was messing with me and someone in the library said "no" and that came through camera as well. There were whispers going on all around me on both sides as well and maybe even in the music. I thought it came from the music but I think it came from this side here on July 26th 2022.

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