Urgent message your SOUL needs to hear! Where Soul Meets Body...A few minutes with Marvin

3 years ago

"You already have all the answers within: you just need to remember that you do." -yoursoulmission.com

In this video I want to connect with your Soul. Spiritual people have always believed that ours Souls choose to drop into our bodies to have a temporary human experience and to continue to do that until it has completed its mission on Earth. I certainly believe that, do you?
Recently, my Soul revealed to me my true Soul Mission and Life Purpose and in this video I share what I've been told. It may shock you! Some of you watching this video will resonate with it and others won't. This video is for those that do. It's time for all of us to wake up to our true mission. Our rescue mission! Spiritual reincarnation is not what we've been led to believe it is. Our Souls, at some point, did volunteer to come to Earth of their own free will. But I don't that we are still here as free Souls.

Welcome to A few minutes with Marvin. I inspire those who aspire to make positive changes in their lives. Thank you for spending your "now moment" with me. If the content of this video resonates with you, I urge you to share it with other like-minded Souls and leave a comment. It is time for our Souls to remember its Divine Soul Mission. Many of us physical beings have done the work by remembering that we are Eternal Spiritual Beings having a temporary human experience. But our Soul has forgotten its true Mission and now we have to wake it up! I'm sure not many people saw this coming and even less will believe it. That's okay, we are all still under the control of the Matrix whether or not we believe it.
Please watch this video with an open mind. If it resonates for you, fantastic, it's time to get to the real work. If it doesn't resonate for you, I appreciate you giving it a view. I appreciate you all so much. I am grateful for this platform and the freedom it gives me to share my Inspirational thoughts and viewpoints.

For those that resonate with this video, please start spreading the word. We need our Souls to wake up for the highest good of all, especially for Mother Gaia.

I am forever holding unconditional love, light, positive frequency, healing, protection, and awakening for all living souls with no expectation of anything in return.

Be the Beacon of Light your Soul intended to be here on Earth, for the sake of All. I give you love, courage, and strength with gratitude. The truth shall set us all free! Let's band together to Wake up as many Souls as possible; we have the power of YHWH - the one Source, GOD with us.

Have an amazing day!

Marvin, the Spirit led wisdom revealer

I am a Spiritual Transformational Life Coach.
Please check out my webpage for more information:
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