Miss. Dept. of Ed-"Civil Rights Strand" in Social Studies for ALL K-12 students? WHY???

3 years ago

I don't know about you, but we are not very happy with what we found while researching the new proposal MDE is expected with implementing for next school year. The proposal would have just slipped through without a public hearing if it weren't for some awesome Mississippians who submitted their request for one and NOW there WILL be a hearing! But as we started the research of the new proposal, we noticed other areas in which the kids are not just taught the events that happened but where the teachers are requiring the students to understand the "tactics" in which the civil rights activists used to achieve the goal. Some of the tactics used were very violent and we are not sure how these are going to be taught. Also, the children are being taught we are a "representative democracy", not a "constitutional republic"! WHAT??

Guys, we all need to look into this curriculum. We need these questions answered NOW! We must DEMAND it!

The public hearing will be held on Friday, January 28 at the AG Museum, from 9 am-12 noon! If you want to speak at the event, you must submit your request through this form here https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=RLM1fgZxi0mZgAUQoTK3d36_VqX6kWFHuFLexc6RMDdUREY4TUJOM1JJM0M2OE5XMEwyRlFQRzZETS4u

Y'all Politics article with Senate committee hearing-Jan 12, 2022

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