Newsbreak 142 | BREAKING: Dr. Young Reveals COVID Vaccines are Intelligent Targeting Bioweapons

3 years ago

Newsbreak 142 | BREAKING: Dr. Young Reveals COVID Vaccines are Intelligent Targeting Bioweapons [mirrored]
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First published January 4th, 2022.
Ramola D Reports
Explosive news that the COVID Vaccines have been biochemically designed to target specific organs, given that they are now causing specific adverse effects involving specific organs--such as the reproductive organs, heart, brain, blood, etc. Dr. Young shares his experience over 40 years of formulating targeted nutraceuticals which use specific polynucleotides--genetic material, taken from animal tissue--to send herbal nutrition to specific organs; it is this same methodology, he says, using fetal organ cells and animal organ cell lines, undisclosed, kept hidden as trade secrets, which is being used in vaccines for a deleterious purpose, to harm and sterilize. Variability of toxicity across batches and selection of batches for targeted reasons--labelled, recorded, and structured by the vaccine-maker scientists conducting these horrific experiments--is the other end of this scenario. This is why we are seeing a rise in myocarditis in boys taking the vaccine, and miscarriages and menstrual changes in women taking the vaccine. This information is borne out by Professor Sir John Bell of Oxford who was recorded saying that 60-70% sterility is intended by the vaccines. Dr. Young also reads a powerful statement summing up the ongoing experimentation and transhumanizing agenda and encourages people to stand up, to say NO, to not comply with diabolical military and bankster agendas to insidiously destroy humanity.
DR. YOUNG'S STATEMENT: (Updated text)
"Military Departments around the World are building factories to produce billions of invasive test kits and targeted intelligent bioweapons disguised as vaccines for years 2022 through 2024.
World 'Banksters' (who claim Earth is overpopulated) have been paying the Militaries around the World billions to produce silent intelligent targeted weapons of mass destruction.
The Militaries have failed to "cook" the perfect so-called virus in Wuhan, China for the kill job (because the viral theory is not only seriously flawed but is completely false), but along comes the technocrats with their nano tech, 4G, 5G, 6G & AI Supercomputers to create the perfect intelligent targeted silent bio weapon disguised as a killer virus.
Therefore, the invasive tests and so-called vaccines form the backbone of this silent bioweapon to deliver cytotoxic, genotoxic and magnetic toxic reduced graphene ferrous oxide to connect humans and animals to the Internet of Things (IOT) for sterilization, mind control, contact tracing and eventual human and animal assassinations to reduce the surplus population of 'useless eaters' as stated by Henry Kissenger.
PLEASE Say "NO" to invasive tests and fake vaccines to block the Military Coup of Earth and the planned sterilization and depopulation of over 7.5 billion people and even billions more of animals and birds.
As soon as a critical mass of people have been inoculated with graphene ferrous oxide (estimated at 90 percent) they will go full throttle and turn the pulsating microwave frequency up 41.3 gHz for a human quantum connection (frequency delivered from satellite, drones and/or cell towers to humans) affecting all those who have been inoculated.
Once the quantum link is certain they can gradually push the frequency up to 60 gHz causing oxygen deprivation, pathological blood coagulation and then suffocation where people will fall over dead in 4 minutes or less.
Mission accomplished by the 'Bad Actors'! No more excess 'useless eaters'. NO more excess population.
No more natural humans - just GMO humans - except for the remaining 500,000 souls left.
Death by chemical and radiation poisoning - the perfect intelligent targeted silent bioweapon sold by the Media as a vaccine for causing the death of over 7.5 billion souls.
This will all be accomplished in the next 2 to 3 years.
These 'Bad Actors' and 'Luciferians' will NOT stop until we say 'STOP'! We need to take back control of our bodies, our lives and our planet. Just say NO MORE! Once again remember, It is YOUR body, YOUR life and YOUR Choice! May God bless and protect us ALL from this crime against humanity!
- Robert O. Young MSc, DSc, PhD, Naturopathic Practitioner - "
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“A little birdie told me” Wink! Wink!

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