2022 TENACIOUS YEAR! Exposure, Pushback, Pluto In Capricorn, Golden Age Kali Yuga, Reincarnation, Planetary Systems, Karma, & How to Become Peaceful, Steady and Strong in One's Spiritual Practice, w/ Vernon Mahabal, World-Renowned Palmist.

3 years ago

2022 TENACIOUS YEAR! Exposure, Pushback, Pluto In Capricorn, Golden Age Kali Yuga, This is NOT an Illusion, Self Realization, How to Get Over Your Past, Reincarnation, Eternal Constitutional Nature of the Soul, Upper Heavenly Planetary Systems, Lower Planetary Systems, Karma, & How to Become Peaceful, Steady and Strong in One's Spiritual Practice, w/ Vernon Mahabal, World-Renowned Palmist.

Vernon Mahabal is the founder and director of the Palmistry Institute in San Francisco. The objectives of the Palmistry Institute are to further new advances in the field of hand analysis and to serve as a research and information resource. Its purpose is to restore the practice of palmistry to its rightful place as a respected and esteemed science. In 1979 he began formal training in Vedic (Eastern) cosmology which took him to India many times. He combines Western astrological palmistry with Chinese elemental hand analysis. He also continues new research, particularly within the field of fingerprints (dermatoglyphics). Mahabal has read thousands of hands, given hundreds of lectures, and trained hundreds of students to read hands. palmistryinstitute.com
Author of Palmistry Cards / The Secret Code on Your Hands /
Talk to the Hand: A Field Guide to Practical Palmistry


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