God Had Ezekiel Pantomime the Devastation That Was Coming Upon Jerusalem - Ezekiel Study (10/32)

3 years ago

The 430 Years Part 2 - Ezekiel Study
The year is 593 BC and God is telling Ezekiel what He wants Israel to know, and He’s having Ezekiel pantomime (act out) certain signs that will be applicable to the destruction of Jerusalem, which is forthcoming. Just seven years from this time, in 586 BC, Israel will be destroyed. So Ezekiel the timid, that's what I like to call him, Ezekiel is going to pantomime what God is about to do to Jerusalem.
God sent a total of nine prophets over a number of years trying to get Jerusalem to change its ways, but they constantly refused. Now, by contrast, God sent Jonah to Nineveh and this heathen city repented, but not Jerusalem, they refused every time. Jeremiah is in Jerusalem at this time, Ezekiel is in the field with the exiles, and Daniel is in the king's court. So God has three profits that are alive and well at this time, but he's using Ezekiel to Pantomime what his plans are for Jerusalem. I hope you can understand the circumstances a little better now.
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