God Sometimes Uses the Most Timid, Shy and Reluctant People To Do His Work - Ezekiel Study (7/32)

3 years ago

Ezekiel's Calling Part 1 - Ezekiel Study
When the Lord calls Ezekiel to be a prophet, he’s a young man about 30 years of age. And the Lord gave Ezekiel words to say represented as a book. Ezekiel is told to take this little book, and then he says, it was sweet in my mouth but bitter in my stomach.
So the words that Ezekiel was going to speak were not his own assessment of Israel's problems, he was a conduit. Ezekiel was going to be a channel through which God could speak to his people. We also find in Ezekiel chapter 3 that the Lord promised to harden Ezekiel’s forehead, representing that Ezekiel would be strengthened by the Lord to present the Word of God with unvarnished clarity to those that were in rebellion against the Lord.
Now let me tell you something, it takes a lot of internal fortitude if your heart is filled with love and you care for others, to tell them that they are in error. It takes a lot of fortitude to confront others and to tell them they are in error unless the heart is filled with self-righteousness or anger, and then it's quite easy to tell somebody what-for.
You ever notice how some people really can't confront others until they get so angry that they just explode, and then in the exploding they get it off their chest. Well, how do you do that when you’re 30 years old and telling Israel’s elders what the Lord says? And of course, the message that comes from God only makes them angry. And they vent their anger, you guessed it, on the Prophet!
This is why the lifespan of prophets has always been short. Now, you may remember that Ezekiel was sent to the exiles with the message from the Lord, and when he got there he set for seven days without saying anything, totally overwhelmed. And then the Lord spoke to Ezekiel and explained his options. Why did the Lord choose this timid man to do this in-your-face type of job?
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