Israel's Apostasy Was Due To The Rejection Of The Holy Spirit - Ezekiel Study (9/32)

3 years ago

The 430 Years Part 1 - Ezekiel Study
Ezekiel was called to bear a message that was hard and tough. Now, this is why it was bitter in his stomach but sweet in his mouth. The word of God is so sweet to take in, but the experience of fulfilling God's Word can be very bitter, and that's what Ezekiel found out. Remember how he went into hiding for seven days? God sent him on a mission and he set there for seven days and didn't say a word. And so the Lord came to Ezekiel and said, look Ezekiel, if you don't tell them what I want you to say, then their blood will be on your head; but if you do tell them the things that I want you to say, then their blood will be upon their own head.
I received a phone call from a gentleman asking me, does this mean that every Christian has the blood of others on his hands if he doesn't tell them the gospel? Well, the answer to this is yes and no; but let me qualify: God came to Ezekiel with a specific message for a specific people at a specific time, and God wanted this message delivered. God told Ezekiel, if you don't do it then their blood is on your head, because you failed to do what I have empowered you and commissioned you and called you to do.
Now in the gospel Commission Jesus told His disciples, go therefore into all the world baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all the things I have commanded you. Everyone who is born again has a mission. God gives every Christian a mission, and yes, each Christian has a responsibility. However, there's a big difference between the responsibility of the prophet and the responsibility of the Christian. The difference is in the sphere of responsibility: to whom more is given, more is required. And God gave Ezekiel a message, in the clearest terms, to give to his people who were in Babylon.
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