How Salvation Really Works Is Only Understood From The Sanctuary Services - Ezekiel Study (32/32)

3 years ago

Ezekiel 38-44 Part 3 - Ezekiel Study
We're going to be examining the Book of Daniel because Daniel and Ezekiel are written at the same time. Both men are in Babylon, and both men are approximately the same age. It’s interesting that what God is telling Daniel is so different than what he's telling Ezekiel, because if Plan A had been implemented the Book of Daniel would have forever remained sealed and its contents would have never been understood.
The Book of Daniel would not have come to pass, because there would be no point. That's why Daniel 9 says, 70 weeks are determined upon thy people to make atonement for sin, to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up vision and prophecy. Everything given to Daniel was to be sealed up and would have never been implemented if Plan A had taken place. Well, Plan A didn't take place so Daniel is all about Plan B, and we're going to be examining that.
I need to explain why all of the detail about the Temple is found at the end of the book of Ezekiel. Let’s suppose you know nothing about the game of chess; absolutely nothing. And let's suppose you are of average intelligence and you go into a room where two people are playing chess. As you sit and watch them play, if you do so long enough, you should be able to figure out the rules of the game. You should be able to figure out how the game works, and who wins, and what it takes to win.
You will discover, as you watch the game played, how the bishop moves in the diagonal directions; you'll notice how the rook can only move in perpendicular direction; you will notice how the Queen can move in any direction; you’ll notice how the pawns can move; you'll notice how the Knights move is their strength: their strange little hops of forward and one left or one right. So after a while of watching the chess game, you will know how each of the players move. By observing, you will come to understand the rules. And if you were to ever watch the game played by masters, you will begin to understand strategy and you will understand how good chess players give up pawns in order to gain a greater treasure; and so the whole intricate game of chess can be learned by observation. That makes sense.
The ways of God are in his temple and by studying God's ways (in his temple) you can understand the issues of the plan of salvation. By watching how the high priest and the priest serve and what they are allowed to do and what they are told to do and when they do it. Think of the whole sanctuary service as a big game and as you watch it, you began to understand the terms and conditions of salvation. That’s why God told Moses, see to it that when you make the tabernacle that you follow the pattern exactly as I have shown it to you, because for centuries to come men and women will be studying this to understand my ways.
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