Samantha Marika - Why don't you question the vaccine?

3 years ago

Samantha Marika - Sep 18, 2021

Why don't you question the vaccine? Instead of laughing or bashing or saying we're crazy conspiracy theorists, why don't you take a step back and actually look around you and see what's going on?

We can no longer think for ourselves, we can no longer question anything that goes against the norm without facing repercussions - without being cancelled, and that shouldn't just concern me, or Nikki, that should concern everybody, and the fact that it doesn't, scares me, because it solidifies to me, that that evil and dark plan they're wanting to implement, will continue to go on and on and on until you wake up, or until you wilfully walk yourself into the slaughter house - whichever one comes first.

You're listening to your favourite influencers, and celebrities, and even the officials tell you what to do, without even realizing you're no longer listening to you.

You're no longer thinking for yourself. You're no longer questioning anything.

"Well, it's for my safety, they have my best interest". Well, do they?

Why aren't they telling you to fix your diet? Why aren't they telling you should take Ivermectin or HCQ? Why can't you hashtag the words #NaturalImmunity?

Because it's not about your health or your safety. It's about control. They know the one thing they can never take away from you was your free will unless you wilfully handed it over to them, which many of you consciously and even unconsciously done.

How many of you who got the Covid vaccine actually got it because you wanted to protect yourself from Covid? Or was it because you didn't want to wear a mask anymore? Because you wanted to travel? Because you wanted to keep your job?

And those that did get the vaccine because they wanted to protect themselves against Covid - how many of you actually listened to the pro's and con's of the vaccine?

"Oh, I did"
How? It's impossible, because the Con's are being censored, blocked, and deleted. So how are you able to make a rational decision for yourself when you can't even hear the other side?

Have you ever thought maybe the reason you can't hear the other side is because you might change your mind?

Now I'm not here to tell you what to do at the end of the day it's not my decision, it's your decision - and that's all I care about, is that you're making the decision for yourself, because the moment you stop thinking for yourself - the moment you stop questioning things - is the moment you handover your free will.



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